Money v/s relationship Formula(A).Initially money importance in human lifewhen human is born at the earth then he/she never understand what is money because his lifeis undertake her parents near...
you can write simple HTML code and open any web browser <html><head><title>Welcome to online exam 2020</title><style>#bak{background-color:black;}#newtext{color:green;font-size:30px;}</style><body id="bak" ><div id="newtext">Welcome to online...
Write HTML code to display a text Welcome to online exam 2020"having font size 30 and font colour green using only CSSthis problems is so simple you can solve it in many ways in html programminghere we give some example try any one example no.1<html><head><title>Welcome...
Use Arithmetic operator in JavaScript
Arithmetic operator is a simple operator that are used in human life
like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and mode.
individually when any...
free downloads yellow color Responsive menu source codedownloads menu with following featuresbackground color web page = pinkactive menu color=yellowactive menu text color=whitedefault menu text...
when any one start creating websites then firstly need a menu now it is most important you learn someTechnic to creating menu for websites,if all menu work smoothly and show properly then your websites...
HTML scientific calculator front end tool and back end toolsIn this post we learn how to make calculator form HTML and CSS ,generally calculator are two types one is the simple calculator...
Some Important Questions and Answers from HTML 5 somewhere in class room teacher asked important question to students or asked in examination in web design and published papers. now student...
Questions and Answers from HTML Q.1:Which programs backing to HTML5? Ans:.In present time the most recent renditions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera all internet browsers uphold HTML5 and Internet Explorer 9.0 will likewise have uphold for some HTML5 usefulness....