Thursday 27 July 2017

human growth development

Meaning of growth?

                      Body parts which are increment in shape and weight whose measured at scale? Now we say that growth is a body growth depended upon body height body weight body shape. The humans hand and legs are all increases whose can we measured at scale. Growth starting at birth to death but its rate not has equal Rate. Body growth is happened by human body cells. Growth is depend on external environment and internal environment .in initially state growth is very fast but it is slow in after some time, when children in 12 years then growth is very fast .in compression of boys grills growth fast. In human body growth stopped at 20 years and mind growth stopped at 18 years.

What is development?

 Development is not growth in human body. Development means change in human body change is a process in human body which is does act always. So every time   changes in makes new changes.development is not limited at adult stage it is managed and continually changing, which help in child growing.
           Development is main factor of thoughts. development is dynamic function tool of Social activates. Development is a potential energy and potential performance.

Stages of development

  • Pregnancy
  • Human embryogenesis
  • Embryo
  • childhood
  • child
  • Adolescence
  • Puberty
  • Adulthood
  • middle age
  • senior year


week to week your pregnancy is progressing.Pregnancy time 9 months or 280 days it is divided into
three trimesters. 

Human embryogenesis

Human embryogenesis is the process of cell division and cellular differentiation of the embryo that occurs during the early stages of development during pregnancy taken full seven week and develop a a human embryo.


Childhood divide in two  stages: preoperational stage and concrete operational stage.both stages are very important to development of child.In this stage  more need  family and an extended.


In this stage child learn all activities like play, speak, and understanding all thinks .


Puberty stages is a very complex stage of life when a boy or girl becomes sexually mature. It is a process that usually happens between ages 10 and 14 for girls and ages 12 and 16 for boys. It causes physical changes, and affects boys and girls differently. In girls: The first sign of puberty is usually breast development.


Adolescence is a golden period of child development between ages 13 and 19 and can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood.


Adulthood, is a middle  time  period in the human lifespan in which full physical and intellectual maturity have been attained. Adulthood beginning at age 20 or 21 years. 

Middle age

Middle age is between 45 and 65: their do some social works."

Senior year

over 56 years age you live life ,you control your body and family .     


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