Tuesday 9 October 2018

what is abate


to end up less solid: 

The tempest/wind/rain has begun to abate. 

The battling in the territory hints at no lessening. 

See moreover 

unabated formal 



to wind up less solid, or to make something less solid: 

Our craving for buyer products has not abated 

on the off chance that something, for example, a cost or level abates, it goes up more gradually than previously, or it goes down: 

Gains in oil costs are probably not going to abate inside the following couple of months. 

to wind up or influence something to end up weaker, lower, less genuine, and so on.: 

Swelling is at last hinting at decreasing. 

The leader intends to abate air contamination in the city by restricting movement. 


(of something obnoxious or extreme) turn out to be less extraordinary or far reaching.


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