Monday 22 October 2018

what's a rift valley?

Q what's a rift valley? 

 A valley is made once 2 tectonic plates regress from one another, leaving a low area within the middle. the good valley is the best familiar valley within the world. It covers a distance of over vi,000 kilometres (3,700 miles), stretching from northern Asian country in West Asia to central Mozambique in East Africa. It began to create regarding thirty five million years ago, once the African and Arabian tectonic plates began to tug apart. Even nowadays it's still growing, as geographic area slowly separates from the remainder of Africa. 

Caves of volcanic rock When volcanoes erupt, volcanic rock flows down the facet of the volcano. The surface of the volcanic rock cools and becomes solid, while hot volcanic rock continues to flow beneath it. Once the eruption is over, there is a  hollow tube, or cave, left behind underneath the exhausting crust of volcanic rock. valleys in geographic area currently kind a series of lakes. 
Earth’s Crust Mountains, Valleys and Caves 

What are caves? 

A Caves are vast holes beneath the bottom, 
in cliffs or beneath the ocean. Caves are often 
formed in some ways. Most rock caves, 
especially stone caves, are fashioned by 
rainwater that seeps into small cracks within the 
rocks. The fresh water contains minerals and 
chemicals that slowly causes the rock 
to dissolve, forgoing an oversized hole. 
This method could take many thousand, or 
even some million years. 

Q however are ocean caves formed? 

A ocean caves are fashioned by waves that 
wear away the rocks at the bottom of a geological formation. 
These rocks are sometimes terribly weak and 
have small cracks in them. the continual 
pounding of the waves causes the small 
cracks to widen and shortly the rocks begin 
to crumble and kind little hollows. 
These hollows keep increasing as sand, 
gravel and rocks brought by the waves erode 
their inner walls. Some ocean caves are 
submerged throughout tide and may solely 
be seen once the water goes down at tide. 

Rift within the Earth When 2 of the Earth’s plates move far from one another, the 
Normal soil covering them falls down Faults and forms a valley. The rift 

Try these too…
Other Landforms
(32–33), Volcanoes
(36–37), Earthquakes
and Tsunamis (38–39),
South America
(112–113), Australia
and Oceanica (114–115),
Africa (118–119), Asia
Sea cave
Sea caves are most
common in areas wherever
the rocks on the coast
are soft.


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