Sunday 20 October 2019

Why take decision in life and when?

Why take decision in life and when?

this is very imported to human life what is correct and wrongs work in their life that work's how effect won life.It is to difficult for everyone how start to good life living at present time because everyone has different condition in own life so never compare owns life to others. here we are describe some facts that controls your life’s moments. and how to handle your life's event that give more befits to you and your life partner's.Some real facts that controls your life's events.
2.Life Backgrounds
3.Life Partner
5.Real economic condition
6.Your present works
7.What problems that face you present time
8.What to do you want in your life.
9.What abuse that are you ignore in present time
10.How Much time you given to your works.


where you live, it is a very big matter to you and your lifes. which types of environment around yourself and what kinds of persons live around yourself and what kinds of behaviors with you’d and other persons. what you fill in that place. what entities are alleles that are used to you. what percentage of benefits for your area where live? how to controls you living things it is very big matter so you think at every saturation.

2.Life backgrounds

What types of your life backgrounds and which relegation that are combine from your life how many events happened? in your life form relegation and how much spent on their event and what fill on it. what kind of your father and mother? and what economic condition of your parents. how much supports your parents to you and how much love you? parents to you. how much you educated and will do continue. or not. That are very imported to you and your life you think about it.

3.Life Partner

Are you bachelor? if you have a girl friend. Are you Married persons and good wife .it is very big matter, can you? know. how can you effected form it by money and by heaths and minds .and how can you disturbs form it? or not it is depending on your relationship. If your relationship is good and strong you find many more benefits from it but it is just opposite if it is a bad relationship you and your patterner not trust each other’s then create many problems how can huddle this situation it is deepened on your behavior. so, you think on you good relationships.

4.. Earning 

what is your daily earning and what is your daily expenses this is make your future life and life gols? if you earn sufficient money daily not know it other persons like your family member then this is very good you save money for future use. If you are emotional persons and tell your family, I am a good man I am earning more money then  it is not good for you .so it is very important never tell how much earn you is a very big secret I am strongly recommended you. never share daily earning any one as like pt. passwords.

5.Real economic condition

Real economic condition means what you deposited in your bank account no one know about it. if any persons know it so, it is not real economic is good so you feel nice and future is very safe.

6.Your present works

what kind of works you and how much earn form this works .it is not good so you change yours works mediate. if you are agreeing your presents works so no matter do yours work with honesty.
7.What problems that face you present time? which problems you face and why? think about it deeply and what is good solution of your problems. if you are not decided how solve yours daily problems and take suggestion of your younger persons.

8.What to do you want in your life?

what your gals your future life and how can archive your target in your is so simple methods never tell your plans in any one. Only needs you continues thinks about your gals and got it.

9.What abuse that are you ignore in present time

some basic problems like you always get up late morning or you are not having and way how to get our targets.if anyone want to break it.

10.How Much time you given to your works.

it is a very big factor how much give your time to works. If you are given more time you our it is very good 
condition. if you not give 100% you yours works. This habit makes you rich a dream full person.


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