Saturday 30 May 2020

Short Notes at Computer Machines

Short Notes at Computer Machines

Now days computer uses everywhere so you can say this time is a computer time.
Mostly computer used to calculate large amount of data in very less time or you
say computer is a machine that manipulated large amount of data.
The first Modern computer is Mark-I which is developed in 1937 AD.

Function or work of computer

Mostly computer do the four types of works
1.collection of data or analysis of data
2.Save large amount of data for future use.
3.Manupulation of data
4.crating some graphics and art and movies.

how many parts are valuable in computer? 

computer is divided in two pars 


Those part of computer which is in form of physical or
you say collection of devices that are huggable like hard disk
mouse keyboard monitors etc.


which program use to run computer are called software or
you say software is a collection of instructions which is control hardware of 

Language of computer

In the computer mostly used three types of computer languages
1.machine code languages
2.Assembly code languages
3.high level languages

Machine code Languages-

In this language included two 
parts one is the operation code and other location code.
both part of languages makes by a bit 0 or 1.0 and 1 may 
be present in programs in bundle.

Assembly languages-

This language use in a unique computer
which have different type of world which is easily human understand 
like subtraction addition and multiplication.

high level languages-

High level language firstly developed by IBM company.
One high language (FORTRAN developed by IBM company)
in 1957 ad.
now day many high-level computer languages are coming 
like Fortran, Cobol, basics and Algol, every high-level computer 
programing languages easily understand by human because 
there statement written in human languages English.

Some command part of computer -


cup is known as central processing units .it is main part of computer
that is control more tasks of computer which do by computer, some persons
called cup is a mind of computer.


RAM is known as random access memory it is hold data at run or execution time 
when any program startup then their data present in ram or when os boot systems then
data firstly present in RAM. it has volatile nature.


ROM is known as Read only memory .it is a main memory of computer that present in physically
at mother boards and hold permanently information and instruction of programs that controls application of computers.

Mother Board-

 Mother Board is an electronic board that present in the cabinet of computer. Many plugs and
devices attached form Mother boards like RAM, HARD DISK, CPU etc.
HARD DISK-Hard disk is a big storage media of computer and hold large number of programs data.
Hard disk is made by two types SATA and PATA.

Floppy Disk-

Floppy disk is old storage media of a computer where data hold.

Floppy Disk Drive-

This devices use read and write data form Floppy disk.


CD-ROM is known as compact disk read only memory. It is use to read and write data form CD (compact disk).

Key board-

keyboard is an input device. These device use to writes text in a computer, some key board has 101 keys and some multimedia key
board has 113 keys. A simple key board has 101 keys.
Mouse: Mouse is input device that use to insert data in computer. Mouse does not directly insert alphanumeric data in computer.
It is only passing some instruction by Sigle click or double click .it is a pointing device.


Monitor is another output device of computer .it is a basic output device of computer .it represent all information in digital form at the screen. Monitor available in many forms in the market place like Mo chrome, CRT, LED, TFT etc.
every monitor has near 256 color pixels.

sound cards-

sound cards use to play music from computers.


printer is an output device of computer that provided information at the paper. this information is a hard information.

computer virus-

computer virus is a small program code which harms computer in many forms like delete imported information and damages hardware or thief imported information from computer. computer virus comes in computer from out world like from email, memory card or local area network etc.
some famous computer virus is dark avenger, keloid love you, fillip, see brain, bloody etc.

some important fact that is related to computers--

Charles babesge is father of computer.
wan newsmen spend a lot of time to making computer.
The modern computer firstly establishes in 1956 da.
In the world us America has more computer after that japan Britten and France and more computer India has 19 position in this list.

computer education meant what do computer and what does not do from computer one person has this knowledge.
IN computer which signal carry data one place to another place called bus.
ICMP are used errored reporting.
2 debasers are celebrating as computer education.

The first Indian computer name is Siddhartha which is made by electronic corporation of India.
The first post office that is used computer establish in new Delhi
The fist petrol takes which used computer which pollution free situated in Mumbai.
IN induvial are the first computer used in Rajiv Gandhi visavidayla.
In Indian first position party which make own website on internet are Bhartiya junta party
computer is three types 1. digital computer 2. analog computer 3. hybrid computer.
which computer make mathematical calculation are called digital computer.
Integrated circuit board are developed by kibbe.
Tim burner li are developed wwww (world wide web).
assembler convert source code in binary code (machine languages)
computer memory unit describe in bit or byte and 1byte equal to 8 bits.
1 bit equal to 4 Nibal’s.
The smallest unit of computer is bit which is 0 or 1.
A super computer works 10 times faster from a general computer.
1-s is the first super computer of the world which made by crew research company in America.
eneeyak is first world electronic digital computer.
the first Indian magazine that are publish at internet are India to day.
USENET is a good method which connect world institution.




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