Thursday 18 June 2020

What were the points kept in mind while creating Java?

What were the points kept in mind while creating Java?


if you want to learn computer programming java now you can firstly understand what is java and why you learn java.after learn computer programming java language what find in your life, and what role of java programming language in IT (information technology).

1.Role of java in school

now days many institutes and university included java in her syllabus and teaching java programming languages as a compiler subjects. In basics states 9th class to 12th class teaching and at higher level BCA, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.C.A.,MTech and many more. if you visiting at a simple computer center that are provided some diploma, they are suggested to learn java, some time they offer you two types of courses like core java and advanced java, if you are learning core java by any computer center then they only teach you how make declare a variable and how make a console application by java, if you learn advanced java then they teach you how to create some graphical user interface-based applicationby java.

           But you see at your school time when learn java in her class at 9th and 10th or 12th you can learn already core and advanced java programming and making some projects like database-based projects or web based projects or games etc.

         now it is big question why we learning java at every step in as like in basic school, in universe, computer center and many more places. If you are seeing their syllabus securely all syllabus many questions come in mind

where did java come from?

why is java so popular?

All about java programming languages


In past time C was the perfect programming language combining the best elements of low -level assembly languages and higher -level languages into a programming language that fits into computer architecture well and that programmers liked.but C had its limitations like the earlier programming languages had before it. its programs grew longer and C programs became more unwieldy so there was not easy.after some times object oriented programming was added to C it becomes c++ and the programmers had a new darling.C++ let programmers deal with longer programs and object-oriented code helped solve many complex problems as well.Time to time Many Libraries add with C++ like MFC library and many other changes within it.C++ programming languages is best programing languages but it is not too perfect for internet programming so java may be so popular programming language.

Why java?

java was not originally created for the internet. The first version of java appeared in 1991 and it was written in 18 months at Sun Microsystems. Its initially name was Oak and it was used internally at sun. 

java itself is implemented as the java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is the application that actually runs your java programs.Every java program is compiled into compact bytecodes and its bytecodes read by JVM and interprets to java programs.

security of java

when any java program are executes then JVM can strictly monitor what goes on so it makes great application that fit for internet.


Firstly, Choose your good IDEs for java development

 now days many more IDEs are valuable in market that is the related to java development, so collect more knowingly about some popular IDEs then installed in your computer system .it is most imported what IDEs use to learning or working to java some IDEs have many features but some are not, it is possible you can do programming without using any IDEs but is some complex but very good practice it you are not use any IDEs then your application makes always light weight and high securely

some popular IDES that are used

2.Blue J
6.IntelliJ IDEA
10.Android studio


you can find many more free costs at internet simple visit at that website and read their description and download and use it.but firstly, you can decide what to make from java and why you installed that IDE in your computer.


some basic step that need to learn java programming

1.learn mathematics

you can learn computer programming now firstly need you learn math’s at school level for basic programming.if you want create some advanced application so you need you learn math’s at high level like

    Calculus and analysis.
    Geometry and topology.
    Number theory.
    Dynamical systems and differential equations.
    Mathematical physics.
some others.

2.You generated best assuming power like thing power

When you solve any real problems by java programmed like how to door is closed when any one absent front of door or when any person came at the door then door automatically open. in this problem you can solve sally but need how can solve this problem, use less and less code and every function work smoothly .it is big matter how many ways you find solve this problem and which is good that are selected by you.

3.Good understanding of declaring of variable and there data types


it is important you learn how to declared variable and when declared that data type like if you use long string then you declared long time if use only one bit now need bolden types.

4.Good understanding overloading and polymorphism

Polymorphism means more than one form, same object performing different operations according to the requirement. Method overloading means writing two or more methods in the same class by using same method name, but the passing parameters is different.

5.Good understanding polymorphism

 Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. Any Java object that can pass more than one IS-A test is considered to be polymorphic— tutorials point. This means any child class object can take any form of a class in its parent hierarchy and of course itself as well.

6.You learn best part of java array learn best part of java functions

Which means we can call the method from a different class like that Main. Foo (). void means ... my choice of words, I find it the best way to explain and understand how it works exactly. ... Here is another place in the code, where bar is called

8.grow your logical mind power

Develop your logical reasoning and planning skills. START. logic development exercise. Develop your spatial perception and logical thinking

9.grow your database connection knowage

a data source allows Know age to access data transparently without the need to redefine the connection to the database in case some of its configuration

10.Learn some HTML and CSS and scripting languages

if your make an application that are used at offline and online now you can need, how to make application that are connect to internet now you can learn what is HTTP, FTP, IP and how share data

and many more

11.For mobile device learn how use IDEs like android studio there nationally function.

now days every one developed wone mobile games or mobile application and want to lunched goodly app basically every mobile application developed by java and it more stable.

so, you learn some basic Android studio how to start first activity in mobile...

 some general facts that you learn after learning java programming

.1.get the essentials right 
2.don’t simply read 
3.understand your code and calculation not neglect to allot memory 
5.avoid making pointless articles
6.interface is superior to digest class
7.standard library is a happiness
8.prefer crude classes over covering class
9.dealing with strings
10.code to code




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