Saturday 19 December 2020

Create web page using table and form tags types of HTML

 Create web page using table and form tags types of HTML

creating an html web page for candidate using some tags like form  ,table tags we are creating a user form at web pages using some html tags and give some specification

 <html> tags

this tag is use to starting tag of html creating any web pages  now you can say it is a basic HTML tags in html programs.

<head> tag 

this tag use at the top of html pages it is use to connection script like java script vb script and CSS.

<title> tag 

use to description the web pages title or you say name of creating web pages.

<body> tag 

it a basic tag of HTML  programming and provided basic structure of  html programs.

<font > tag 

 this tag use to formatting any web pages like text color and text font  etc.

<table > tag 

Use a table tag to crating table for managing forms.

<form > tag 

use to creating creating an application form at the sever side user use this form submitting data

<tr> element

this element  is use to creating a row with table

<td> element 

this element use to creating a coloumn  with in table


 use for entering text at the user form.


element are use to creating al list


 radio button are used to creating a some optional  value

<text area>

 text area element support a large amount  of text and it hold it in text Area.


 Button element are use to creating an events.

A good html program for user app



<title>using some tags of HTML</title>


<body bgcolor="pink">

<font size="16"  face="elephant">


<table  border="3"  height="50% " width="50%"  bordercolor="black" bgcolor="white">

<form method="get" action="this.html">

<tr><td>Enter frist name:</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="enter your frist name"/></td></tr>

<tr><td>Enter second name:</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="enter your frist name"/></td></tr><tr><td>Select your gender</td><td>Male<input type="Radio"/>Fmale<input type="Radio" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Select your course:</td><td><select> <option>O-leve</option><option>A-leve</option><option>A-leve</option><option>c-level</option></select></td></tr><tr><td>Select your type</td><td>GEN<input type="checkbox" />OBC<input type="checkbox" />SC<input type="checkbox" />ST<input type="checkbox" /></td></tr><tr><td>seen some fee of cources</td><td><ol><li>o-level &nbsp600/-</il><li>A-level &nbsp600/-</il><li>B-level &nbsp600/-</il></ol></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2">type some message about your life</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2"><textarea id="internationalyoutacuity" name="internationalyoutacuity" rows="4" cols="100"></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="button" value="submit details"/> </td></tr>







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