Friday 1 January 2021



In this post you collect some specific attributes that are adding some new attributes in HTML5 to generating event at web pages you can use it very smothaly and simply find some powerful event ,do very less code ,here we write their name and works shorlty that attributes added in HTML5.
onebeforeonloadBefore onload event
oncanplayMedia can start play
oncanplaythroughMedia can played to end
oncontextmenucontext menu is triggered
ondragelement is dragged
ondragendat the of drag operation
ondragenterelement dragged on drop target
ondragleaveelement leaves valid drop target
ondragoverelement is dragged over drop target
ondragstartat the start of drag operation
ondropdragged element is being dropped
ondurationchangelength of media is changed
onemptiedmedia resource element becomes empty
onendedmedia has reached end
oneerrorerror occurs
onformchangeform changes
onforminputform gets user input
onhaschangedocument has changed
oninputmessage is triggered
oninvalidelement gets user input
onloadeddataMedia data is loaded
onloadedmetadataduration of media element is loaded
onloadstartbrowser starts to load media data
onmessageelement is invalid
onmousewheelmouse wheel is being rotated
onpausemedia data is paused
onplaymedia data is going to start playing
onplayingMedia data has started playing
onprogressbrowser is fetching media data
onratechangemedia data's rate has changed
onscrollelement's scrollbar is being scrolled
onseekedelement's seeking attribute is not true
onseekingelement's seeking attribute is true
onstalledthere is error in fetching media data
onstoragedocument loads
onsuspendbrowser has stopped fetching media data
ontimeupdatemedia changes its playing position
onvolumechangemedia changes volume, also when mute
onwaitingmedia has stopped playing

Existing event handler attributes cheat sheet in HTML4 AND HTML5

you can find some specific attributes that are controled event in html4 and html5 boths. we write some attributes and their brifly explanations here.
onabortabort event
onbeforeunloadbefore unload event
onclickmouse clicked event
ondblclickmouse double-clicked event
ongesturechangegesture change event
ongestureendend of gesture event
ongesturestartstart of gesture event
onkeydownkey pressed down event
onkeypresskey pressed event
onkeyupkey released event
onmousedownmouse button pressed down event
onmousemovemouse moved event
onmouseoutmouse cursor exited event
onmouseovermouse cursor entered event
onmouseupmouse button released event
onmovemove event
onorientationchangedevice orientation changed event
onpastepaste event
onresizeresize event
ontouchcanceltouch canceled event
ontouchendtouch ended event
ontouchmovetouch move event
ontouchstarttouch start event


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