Thursday 7 January 2021

how create a simple web page of school website?

 how create a simple web page of school website?

dear user we write a simple html code as you seen as given below  you learn step to step how to create a school websites pages

learn how to make web page


In widows operating system click at the start button then click at the all programs files and then click at Accessories and then

click at the note pad.


 write given code as given below.


click at file menu save with course name and with html extension like course.html

step4 .

double click at the course.html file and open its on any webbrowser like chrome ,internet expolar ,mozila fire foxz.


look the view of your web pages.

learn what tag use in this program and  why?

1.fristly creating a basic structure of html programs



<tilte>school weblsit</title>

<body >


2.add heade text by using  font tag .

3.<hr> use to drwa line.

4.making a list of subjects by using <ul> tags. and write subject name by using <li>.

5. now we are creating a contact form by using <form> tag and <table> tags.

where <form > use to input data form users.

and <table > tag is use manage the fields for right place.

full html source code of  school web site page 



<title>simple html web page coding</title>


<body bgcolor="yellow">

<center><font size="72" color="red">Mordern Public School</font></center>

<hr width="100%" height="2">

<marquee> new admition start</marquee>


<h1> Course offered</h1>


<li>Master of computer(MCA)<sup><font color="red">New</font></sup></li>

<li>Master of Information of techonology(M.Sc IT)<sup><font color="red">New</font</sup></li>

<li>Master of Art(M.A.)<sup><font color="red">New</font></sup></li>

<li>Master of Bussiness(MBA)<sup><font color="red">New</font></sup></li>

<li>Bacheler of Eduction(BCA)<sup><font color="red">New</font></sup></li>

<li>Bacheler of chemistry</li>

<li>Bacheler of Dance</li>


<h1> For more information contact us </h1>

<q>Mobli no.</q><big>9450803009</big>

<h1> For inqury fill the given form and submit details</h1>

<table border ="5" bordercolor="pink">


<table >

<tr bgcolor="blue" ><td>Enter your firts name:</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="fist name"/></td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="white" ><td>Enter your last name:</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="last name"/></td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="blue" ><td>Enter your date of birth:</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="DOB"/></td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="white" ><td>Select you code:</td><td><select><option>MCA</option>


                                                                          <option>MSc IT</option>



<tr bgcolor="blue" ><td>Seclect your category</td><td><group><input type="radio"/>SC<input type="radio"/>OBC<input type="radio"/>GENERAL</goup></td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="white" ><td>Enter your personal contect number</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="mobile number"/></td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="blue" ><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Send information"/></td></tr>









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